Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Thanks for the suggestions. Some good ideas! Again, it's greatly greatly appreciated:)
I've been hearing a lot about Acomplia, it does the same thing as Phentermine, but without the side effects, which I really don't like.
I'm not sure, whether or not I'll finish the Phentermine I have left, but I decided to place an order for Acomplia, as I really need to lose that weight, and fast...
Licensed-rx added American Express, which is great, because I just got my new card, so it was the initiation purchase...
The delivery is basically the same as it was for Phentermine, so I think I'll receive it fast.
Other than that, I'm really getting used to my healthier diet. My good friend offered to do the shopping for me, because I was still a bit uncomfortable going to public places...
Next time I'll do it myself. (Thank you J for being so supportive and understanding... You're the best!:)
Anyway, will be updating you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I just realized, I have only 2 months to lose almost 30lbs.

It's my cousin's wedding, and I bought this dress, as a suggestion I picked on some forum- to be my new goal.
I'm really nervous about that! What if it doesn't fit? I'll be at that wedding, with all the hot looking friends of my cousin, and all my family, (in a weird way, everyone who's not my close family, meaning, my parents, my brother and myself) are anything but overweight.
If I fail, it would be terrible. They feel very comfortable to point out other peoples flaws...
The Phentermine is working great, but I really am starting to hate the side affects. I'm way too speedy, and I almost don't sleep ever since I started to take them.
It's very frustrating, because I was putting my hopes to that, and I'm worried I will not reach my goal.
Does anyone know about a medication that also works? I really need that!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thanks, but still...

The Tuesday experience got me thinking. Although I really appreciate everybody's support, online and of my close friends, it really got to me. I know I shouldn't mind people like that.
But the thought that I have no control whatsoever over that, and that I will come cross with others of his kind, (unfortunately, this wasn't the first, and probably wasn't the last time, it's just that it was the worst timing possible), freaks me out.
About two weeks ago, when I went food-shopping, people at the store were staring at me,( because large people are not supposed to eat vegetables or something,) some kids even pointed at me.
I was then able to ignore that, because, well, let's face it, it's not that I got to this weight overnight. But the fact that I was just starting to feel better about myself, and lost 4lbs, and the guy was really acting like he was interested, really destroyed everything.
I'm actually kinda anxious about going to the store, I'm trying to avoid that for the last couple of days. Which is a really bad thing, because at a certain point I will have to eat something, so I'll go back to what I used to do- order from some junk food place. And even though I know I won't eat much of that, (thanks to the pills), I'd rather put foods with at least some nutritional value to my body, than eat the stuff that got me in this situation.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Birthday Party from HELL

I started the diet. Finally. I was very up-beat for most of the beginning of the week, lost another 2lbs, managed to stick to the diet, even did some exercise.
Then, came Tuesday. Another birthday party. So I went there with a couple of friends, (the birthday
was of a non-close friend of mine).
And there was this guy, pretty good looking, that was standing there, looking at me for a while, so I approached him with my new gained confidence (a great trade, isn't it? lose weight, gain confidence).
He seemed very interested, was smiling a lot, made compliments about my hair, and told me I look great. At a certain point, I got up from where we were sitting, and when I got back, just a few minutes later, I found him sitting with some friends of his, (a skinny girl on his lap and a guy sitting next to him), and heard him saying "yeah, that cow was just moaning and moaning, I didn't really know how to get rid of her".
Needless to say, I was devastated. When they realized I heard that, the girl started laughing, and the other guy gave me this look of "what did you expect?!".I didn't know what to do. If I'd go, it'll look pathetic, and staying is way too embarrassing. Luckily, my friends were just about to leave anyway, and the birthday girl was about to kick everyone out too.
It was terrible!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Got my meds!!!

I received my meds on Friday, and I'm starting the diet Monday.
I'm so excited!!! I've done some more reading, about healthy diets, and on how to combine
some exercise, in my oh so busy day...
I'm still doing the Mui-Thai, but I feel like I need to do more.
Totally counting on the Phentermine to give me energy for that. I am so grateful for that website!
The shipping did take a bit long, true, I could have started sooner, but it took them less than a week, which is comforting, given the fact the delivery time listed was 8-16 business days...
Guess I was lucky!
I decided to only start tomorrow, so I'll be updating soon.
Hold your fingers crossed!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I lost 2lbs!!! On 4th of July weekend!!!

You wouldn't believe how great this weekend turned out to be!
I'm SOOOO happy! First, the BB-Q went awesome, I didn't even mind the aroma...
I ate my healthy, low calorie food,and not much of it- because I just didn't want to! After spending all day with my family, I went to a party, (which I haven't done in ages) and I was the last one to go home! I had so much energy!
It did give me this dry feeling in my mouth, which was pretty annoying, but it's worth it.
Could it be that I found the “easy diet”? I tried so many times before, and it never worked for me, because I was getting too lazy to move, and as I've mentioned – most of the problem in dieting, is that you get hungry just because of the fact you're not supposed to think of food.
This Phentermine thing really helps! I placed an order right now, and I can't wait for it to arrive!


Thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to place an order on 02:00AM, the website is 24/7 ..

A very important quality, when you're really eager to start...

Well...Some good news

Diet. Terrifying word. It's funny when people talk about easy diets, because just the fact you're ON a diet, makes you hungry. I only started a second ago- and I'm starving, just because I know I'm not supposed to think of food.
And healthy food- I don't like it. Not only that I constantly think of food, the fact that it's low calorie foods, it makes me tired. How on earth are you supposed to exercise, which is also something you must do in order to burn the fat and lose weight, if you literally have no power whatsoever?
The good news, is that a friend of mine apparently ordered from the website, and she gave me some of the Phentermine. I took it in the morning, and it seems to be helpful. I don't feel hungry, I have energy, It's Fourth of July weekend, let's see how it goes...
Wish me luck people!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Well, I've measured myself....
I'm 5'4", and I weigh 227 lbs.... It's not all that shocking to me, but I was kinda hoping for better...
I am hoping for fast weight loss, so I'll do whatever I can, because at this point, I'm so desperate!
I went food shopping the other day with my friend, we bought low calorie foods, and healthy stuff, like vegetables (a lot of green ones).
I'm thinking of getting an actual diet plan, because it just seems right to eat healthy, not just for the sake of weight loss. I'm not sure about going on a low carb diet again, but I might try something...

I've found this online pharmacy that sells Phentermine. Does anybody know anything about it?
It looks very good, but I'm not sure, I've never tried any medication for weight loss. But then again, maybe that is what I was doing wrong?